• Olga Balema
  • Heidi Bucher
  • Sophie Bueno-Boutellier
  • Alice Channer
  • Nicolas Deshayes
  • Patrick Hill
  • Magali Reus
  • Richard Serra
  • The Approach
  • 05.09—06.10.13

Slip explores artist's engagement with sculptural materiality, production processes, allusions and connections between corporality and architecture, liquids and surfaces, nature and artifice and two vs three dimensionality. The exhibition takes as a point of reference Marcel Duchamp's concept of the 'infra-thin', the minimal sensory space which he describes as 'the warmth of a seat that has just been left, when tobacco smoke smells also of the mouth, or the difference between two mass produced objects from the same mould'. Each artist navigates a space through a materiality of anatomy and environment, be that industrial, technological or organic. In each case there is a dynamic tension between the intrinsic transformative states of matter.